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6 Creative Activities for your Six-year-old

Writer's picture: Aleena AlamgirAleena Alamgir

Are you a mother who is worried about how to engage with her child now that he or she is no longer a toddler? Don't worry, every other mother finds it difficult to engage with their babies in a way that promotes their intellectual and creative development and growth.

Playing games is widely regarded as the most enjoyable aspect of childhood. It also helps your child's intellectual, emotional, and social development. Numerous imaginative and creative games for children can teach them new things without boring them. So, without further ado, let's find them in this article below.

Why Creative Activities for Your Six-year-old?

The age of six is a time of exploration and discovery. You can help them develop in a fun way by encouraging them to participate in creative play. Creative play can help your children in a variety of ways, from developing critical skills like problem-solving to learning new things.

Creative plays build your child's confidence and allow them to express their true selves, which is critical for their real and rapid growth. We've compiled a list of creative, playful activities for your six-year-old to help them maintain their youthful energy.

  1. Spell Well

  2. Pretend Play

  3. Reading and Crafting

  4. Treasure Hunt with Riddles

  5. Shuffle and Add

  6. Word Art

1. Spell Well

creative playful activity to do with kids
A Kid Holding Pencil in his Hand

How to play

A good dictionary is all that is required to play this game. Make a list of new words which are difficult to spell and have challenging pronunciations. Say them aloud to your kids, and let them spell the word. Give them a point if they spell it correctly, then explain what it means and how they can use this word in both verbal and academic contexts.


A fun game for school kids to improve and enhance their vocabulary is to play spell well. This game raises your child’s intellectual capacity and has been proven beneficial for educational excellence. Furthermore, this game also strengthens your kid’s listening skills.

2. Pretend Play

creative activity to play with kids
Two Kids Pretending to be Superheroes

How to play

This game’s main objective is to make your imagination or fantasies come to life. You can play this game at home and transform your room into the world of your dreams. You and your buddies can participate and dress up as your favorite character from any cartoon or movie. Then, perform a scene while staying in that particular character.

You can film while playing this game. Additionally, you can use your preferred dolls, toys, and Legos to play this game. You can also stand in front of a mirror and have a conversation with your reflection.

Here are some examples of how you can play this amusing game.
  • You can set up your room like a temporary office and pretend to be a worker.

  • You can also transform your room into a class and pretend to be the best teacher.


The most excellent game for your six-year-old mental health is pretend play. It fosters problem-solving abilities and mental development in your youngster. Playing pretend play exposes your child to various scenarios and teaches them to learn about their likes and dislikes. Moreover, it boosts communication abilities and confidence levels.

3. Reading and Crafting

creative playful activities for kids
Child Reading a Book

How to play

Reading might sound boring for some kids as it is not as exciting as playing other games. But if you can just read and create a poem from the same pages of that book, then little buddy, you’re a genius.

Well, all you need to play this game is a pencil and a book. First, spend quality time reading that book and learn new things from it and when you’re done then the fun part begins.

Open any random page from that book, start looking at words, and try to knit different words from different lines into a sentence or poem. This might require some focus at the start but it gets exciting when you’re done creating your poetry from a book.


Reading is one of the best ways to help children understand things without having to go through them firsthand. Reading is recommended for people of all ages, but young people are especially encouraged to do so because they have good memories and a developing brain.

Reading stimulates your child's mind and is also a mental activity. Reading creatively will thus improve your children's thinking and imagination.

4. Treasure Hunt with Riddles

creative playful activities for kids
A Kid Playing

How to play

You need clue notes and a prize to find. Well, take anything, for example, a remote, and name it your treasure then one player has to hide the treasure in a very secure place and leave behind clues which are written in the form of riddles. Select easy spots and hide each clue.

Remember, the clue should be written in a manner that leads you to the next clue. After that tell your child to start the search. Let him find and read the clues and figure out where the treasure is hidden. You can also set up some mini adventures in between to make it more exciting


Physical games are just as important as mental games for your six-year-old. Plus, who doesn't enjoy playing treasure hunts with their friends and family? It promotes your child's physical growth, increases his stamina, and sharpens his mind for riddles with the greatest amount of excitement.

5. Shuffle and Add

creative shuffle and play card game for kids
Shuffle and Play Cards

How to play

If your kids are not active during studying this might be your best chance to make mathematics interesting for them. You need some plain flashcards and a marker to play this game.

Write random numbers on the cards and shuffle the cards. Sit in front of your little one and show him the back side of the cards. Ask him to pick one out, and whichever number is written on it, he must memorize it.

Then repeat the process but this time ask him to add the new number in the first one. You can shuffle the cards as many times as you like. You can also play this game for subtraction and multiplication practice.


Mathematics is the exercise of the brain and is academically very important for school kids. Why not learn with some fun? This game helps you with your addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills. You can even play this game during exams for practice. This game helps with your kid’s intellectual development and improves mental mathematics for a better IQ.

6. Word Art

creative coloring activity for kids to do
A Kid Coloring Butterfly with Crayons

How to play

Get ready to make your kids love grammar with this creative art game. You need paintbrushes, paint, a card sheet, and a book of easy words to play this game.

There are two phases of this game. The first phase includes vocabulary. Give a random word to your kid and ask if they can name other words with the same sound. For example, dark, park.

Now, instruct them to write the words on the card paper and draw something related to those words. Then paint it. You can mix any grammar-related topic in this game to help your kid with her studies.


Grammar is tough to understand for some kids but with a mix of art, you can make grammar fun for them. This creative play is perfect for your kid’s mental development and helps them to use their creativity. It boosts the learning skills of your kid and makes learning fun for them.

Infographic: Creative and Engaging Activities for 6-year-olds
Infographic: Creative and Engaging Activities for 6-year-olds


We have compiled the best list of creative playful activities for your six-year-olds. Playing creative games with your children can help them grow in a better way. Instead of forcing them to learn something, make it creative for them. Other than these games, you can also play charades and board games, and take them to the beach for sand games. Just make them feel welcome to the world of advanced learning.



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