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5 Baby Skin Care Routine Tips: Guide For Parents

Writer's picture: Muniba AfzalMuniba Afzal

Baby Holding Onto Finger
Baby Holding Onto Finger

A Newborn’s skin is the softest, most delicate, and silky part of their body. A newborn's skin needs to be taken care of properly to avoid rashes and flaky skin, as well as other skin problems.

Where it is important to take care of your baby’s skincare routine, it is even important not to overdo it. That's why you must know the basics and safe skin care routine practices to maintain that supple touch of your baby's skin.

Why Baby's Skin Care is Necessary?

Babies skin is the most delicate, supple, and soft tissue to exist ever. They are in their initial stages of development and hence more open and delicate to infections and wounds. If you don't take care of it the right way, it'll lead to some serious consequences.

That's why it's always recommended to not use heavy chemicals, and products on their skin to avoid complications. As a first-time parent, it'll take some time to learn but this process can be sped up by learning the baby's essentials and skincare routine tips and practices below. So, here are some tips on how to manage your baby’s skin.

Moisturize your Baby's Skin Well

According to experts and pediatrics,

“Frequent bathing will dry out the skin and remove oil leaving the skin unprotected against infections and other irritants”. Therefore, it is recommended to use moisturizer immediately after you’ve bathed your child.

Moisturizers help prevent the already existing moisture on the skin from evaporating. Hence, leaving silky smooth skin behind. Some moisturizers can cause rashes and irritate your baby's skin because their skin is so delicate.

Always make sure to do your research before you fill your cart with baby products. More importantly, always do a test patch of the products you use before applying them all over your baby's body.

TIP: You can also use a humidifier in your baby’s nursery to keep the room temperature moist.

Bathe Baby but not too Frequently

Babies don’t work from dawn to dusk. They don’t need those regular baths that you do after nursing your child the whole day. Bathing your baby two to three times weekly is more than enough.

Products like shampoos, soaps, and lotions specifically designed for newborns should be used to avoid skin problems and diseases. Organic, tear-free, and chemical-free products will cause less harm to your child’s skin.

A newborn’s skin is sensitive and when exposed to products with reactive chemicals it may irritate your child’s delicate skin. Therefore, do read the description given at the back of each product and avoid putting products with large and weird chemical names into the cart. Baby bath essentials must be organic.

Vaseline, Rubber Ducky, Baby Soap
Vaseline, Rubber Ducky, Baby Soap

Change Babies' Diapers Quickly

Yes, frequent diaper changes are pretty normal. To avoid diaper rashes parents should keep an eye out for saggy diapers. Don’t prolong the time between pooping and cleaning as it can cause severe rashes.

Fragrance-free, wet baby wipes are recommended. The reason you see rash ointment creams in bulk on aisles in the baby’s section is that nearly no baby grows up without having to use them to treat the rash. Diaper rashes are common so don’t begin to panic if you notice one.

There are various types of rashes like eczema, nappy rash, baby acne, ringworm, milia to many others. Some of them can be treated at home easily. But some need to be treated with rash creams. The normal baby rash tends to fade away within two to three days. If you notice the rash is getting worse, consult your doctor or pediatrician.

While purchasing diapers make sure that the size of the diaper is not too small, leaving some volume for the skin to breathe; it should be snuggly and not too compact to cause a rash.

TIP: Narrating your actions to your baby while changing their diaper will make your baby giggle, and stay calm and distracted, which will help you handle those kicks.

Use petroleum jelly to reduce diaper rashes. Clean and towel-dry then apply a thin layer on your baby’s affected skin. It will act as a barrier between the skin and moist diapers.

Don't Go Heavy on the Baby Powder

Baby powder is not essential, even if it’s a must in baby skincare kits. Carelessly using it may cause breathing problems for your child. The American Association of Pediatrics also condemns the usage of baby powders.

If you are using it, make sure to pour some in your hand away from your child, rub it well between your hands, then dust it away. Then apply the leftover in your hand as a thin layer on your baby’s body sparingly.


Massaging is an easy way to soothe your baby into wonderland. It has multiple benefits, such as:

  • Treating gassy stomachs, fussiness

  • Boosting muscle development

  • Soothing teething pains

  • Putting them to sleep

The most important thing to keep in mind is that your baby enjoys the touch of your hands. Babies get attached to the hands nursing them. That is why they start crying and screaming when you hand them to a visitor to hold.

For massaging, choose oils that are scent-free or cool-drawn vegetables or fruit oils. For instance:

  • Fresh and virgin almond oil

  • Coconut oil

  • Safflower oil

  • Grapeseed oil

  • Oat oil

All these oils are medically safe to use on your baby’s skin. They should also be edible oils that can be digested easily (like Coconut Oil), so you don’t have to worry when your baby sucks their hands and fingers.

TIP: Consider massaging a good opportunity to bond with your child. Make it a part of your daily routine to massage your infant in a warm and suitable atmosphere.

Safe Baby Laundry Detergent

You cannot throw your newborn’s dirty clothes in the same laundry as other family members. Using specific laundry detergents is recommended for baby clothes. This is because they consist of fewer ingredients and are scent-free.

These detergents are specially designed for newborn clothing and help prevent skin irritation. If you would like to protect your baby’s delicate skin even more, invest in eco-friendly detergents. They are gentle on the skin and are also dye, coloring, and fragrance-free.

Baby Clothes
Baby Clothes


1. When I can use baby products on my Newborn's skin?

You can use baby products after 4 months. But always make sure that the products are organic and free from non-toxic elements. Never use too much product on your newborn's skin.

2. Why's it necessary to take care of my newborn's skin?

The skin of every human needs care but when it comes to newborns, it becomes more than inevitable. As it helps in relaxing, maintaining heartbeat, and improve their digestion.

3. How can I avoid my newborn's skin problems?

To avoid baby skin problems, you have to take care of their skin with safe practices. You have to be very precautionary with their skin while choosing products for them and maintaining a routine.


Newborns have delicate and sensitive skin, which is why it is important to adopt safe skincare routines. Since their skin is so sensitive, keep their skincare routine simple.

Make sure you use products designed for babies, this will help prevent rashes and infections. In the case of infection don't panic, these are common with babies. Change their diapers on time, and most importantly moisturize. Taking care of your baby's skin can ensure they grow up healthy without skin problems.



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